AG-Elect Andrea Campbell issued the following statement in response to the rise of antisemitic rhetoric in Massachusetts and across the country:

“I’ve dedicated my life and career to fighting discrimination in all forms, and a major lesson I’ve learned through advocacy can be summed up in two words: be proactive.

Right now, antisemitic rhetoric is on the rise in our country, putting our Jewish communities at risk. The harmful narratives that promote antisemitism have gained popularity and have already manifested in action. There is also, and continues to be, racist acts across this country.

There is connective tissue between Jewish, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American communities — one of grief, mourning, and loss at the hands of white supremacists. As we work to create a world that values us, has respect towards our inherent humanity, and uplifts the immeasurable contributions our existence gives to this country, it is essential that we build coalitions.

When they come for one of us, they come for all of us. As your Attorney General, I will prosecute antisemitic and racist acts to the fullest extent of the law — and I will not tolerate either in any form throughout the Commonwealth.

I celebrate our diversity because it strengthens our communities and makes Massachusetts a better and more prosperous Commonwealth for all of us. But celebration is not enough. We must demonstrate allyship and solidarity by remaining vigilant against discrimination and working to transform the systems that enable it.

As your voice, your advocate, and your champion, I will do all that I can to keep our communities safe.”